When you checkout on Indiegogo, you'll see something that reads:
"Your donation is a way to support a project but does not guarantee that you will receive a perk."
This is just Indiegogo's way of protecting themselves with legal language. They have no control over what type of projects are funded on their platform, so they want to cover their butts. We have a rock-solid track record and guarantee the shipment of every single bike.
When you order on a crowdfunding site, it's a great idea to do some due diligence to judge how trustworthy the campaigners are.
Here's some background on our company to help you:
From our original campaign in 2016, you can see we raised $1.7M on Indiegogo (+400K on our site) and got straight to work. As a new company, we encountered many unforeseen challenges that would have stopped many others in their tracks. We powered through them — working 120-hour weeks with no breaks and delivered every single bike ordered. If you want to see how it unfolded, you can check out the updates section of that campaign — there are videos of every single step of the manufacturing and delivery of the bikes ordered. Since then, we've run another campaign for our electric skateboard (delivered every single one), released over a dozen new bike models, and shipped thousands more worldwide. We hope you can recognize our track record and the invaluable experience built up over the years. We are here for the long run and guarantee the delivery of every bike ordered.